About Me

Patrick de Boer

CLIL student experience

The secondary school I attended was one of the first bilingual CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) schools in The Netherlands.

This means I know what is like to not understand half of what the teachers says or what it is like when the language becomes a barrier for effective learning.

But most importantly: why I know CLIL works and how bilingual education can have a huge impact on your life.

Reinventing the wheel

After graduating as a Mathematics teacher and starting my career as a CLIL teacher, I quickly noticed many teachers were reinventing the wheel. Activities that had been battle-tested before by fellow teachers were imagined all over again and challenges were approached as if no one had even faced them before. That is why I created CLIL Magazine: to help teachers worldwide get in touch with each other again.

Training the world

After 15 years of teaching CLIL Mathematics, I decided to follow my passion and become a fulltime CLIL teacher trainer. With the CLIL Quality Roadmap I provide structure to CLIL learning and help CLIL teachers worldwide to prepare their CLIL lessons in a short amount of time.

In collaboration with

With the unique CLIL Quality Roadmap you can identify exactly what you already know about CLIL and what you can focus on next.

With the publications in CLIL magazine and on the CLIL Blog you can find answers to almost every question around CLIL.

With almost 15 years of experience teaching CLIL and having completed various trainings on both CLIL and coaching, Patrick has a unique set of skills to help out and your team.

My take on CLIL training

During the last couple of years as a teacher I had been asked various times already to provide workshops at schools.

Frustratingly, I noticed the workshops barely had any effect on the teaching of teachers on the long term.

Sure they were inspired and might change 1 or 2 things in their lessons, but after a couple of weeks everything went back to normal.

I wanted to do something different.

I wanted to make actual change to the teachers who wanted to improve their lessons.

I wanted to provide long term effect on schools.

That is why I decided to do two things different from fellow CLIL trainers:

1) I do not offer single workshops, but longterm change

The effect of a single workshop is limited if not ineffective at all.

That is why I will always discuss the possibilities of working together in a way to actually make an impact on organisations.

This can be done in various ways, for example

- A series of workshops

- Live workshops and online training

- Live workshops, online training and group coaching 


2) I do not offer workshops on random topics, but a step by step process

Teachers have very different levels of experience. Some might have been teaching CLIL for years, others have just started.

That makes the needs and challenges of these teachers quite different. Yet, I was always asked to discuss a topic that was concidered relevant to all teachers by employers. 

That is why I created the CLIL Quality Roadmap. A step by step approach to CLIL training. 

Everything related to preparing, teaching and implementing CLIL within a school organisation is captured in one clear overview.

With every step a potential topic for a workshop or training.

The CLIL Quality Roadmap (click to enlarge)

How can I be of service to you?

School leader: looking for options for CLIL training?

Get in touch with the form below and please let me know how I can be of service!

CLIL teacher: want to learn more about CLIL?

There are two things you can do:

1) Sign up for the free training "Five Steps to Increase Student Engagement and Reduce Prep Time" to learn more about CLIL.

2) Sign up for the next free, online mini-workshop "From Planning to Practice" which takes place every 2-3 months.

Get in touch
