Lesson plan and key takeaways

Lesson plans for ‘EATING HEALTHILY’

NB: We have added explanatory notes to the lesson plans - they are highlighted in yellow.

Resources mentioned are positioned right below each part of the lesson plan.

You can click the images to increase its sizes


Vocabulary matching worksheet for step 2 of CLIL lesson

(N.B: Teachers to insert culturally appropriate pictures in right-hand column)

Match the words to the right pictures. Join them with a line.


Original Eatwell plate for Step 3 of non-CLIL lesson (Step 6 in CLIL lesson)

Blank Eatwell plate worksheet for Step 4 of non-CLIL lesson (Step 7 in CLIL lesson)


Nutrient research worksheet (for step 7 in non-CLIL lesson/Step 10 in CLIL lesson)


Language frame for step 12


  • Notice that there are many similarities between the two lessons in terms of overall sequencing and activities. This shows how the cognitive content of a CLIL lesson works at the same level as in a non-CLIL lesson.
  • There are more steps in the CLIL than the non-CLIL lesson. This is because a language focus is woven in to the CLIL lesson so as to scaffold the learners (learning?), e.g. CLIL lesson steps 1, 2, 4, 12.
  • Scaffolding in the CLIL lesson is achieved through use of media resources, supportive questions, use of pair work, staging of activities.
  • Notice the recurring use of pair work in the CLIL lesson. Learners are encouraged to cooperate. This is so that they can support one another with either language or ideas or both, a kind of scaffolding.
  • If you compare non-CLIL lesson steps 9-10 with CLIL lesson steps 12-14, you will see how essentially the same task is scaffolded more in the CLIL class by breaking the task down into smaller steps. Compare too step 10 (non-CLIL) with step 14 (CLIL). You will notice that the writing task (writing a poster) given to the CLIL students is less demanding linguistically than the one given to the non-CLIL class (writing a leaflet) but is no less demanding cognitively. This reminds us of Cummins quadrant (see note 5) which shows how the teacher may select tasks according to their cognitive and linguistic difficulty or ease.
  • Overall the CLIL lesson takes a little longer than the non-CLIL lesson. This is because of the added steps required for scaffolding.